How I Have Avoided Manual Labour For Most of My Life

I have been using a very simple method.

barry robinson
Read or Die!


A man digging a hole. Photo by Samuel Cruz on Unsplash

This article was inspired by something I read in a newspaper and is about finding ideas.

Apparently, A.A. Milne, the author of the children’s books, Winnie The Pooh, also spent some time as a columnist for the now defunct satirical magazine Punch.

In his autobiography, Mr. Milne wrote the following about his time writing for the magazine.

“I know of no work, manual or mental, to equal the appalling, heart-breaking anguish of fetching an idea from nowhere.”

Now, I have no wish to go against the thoughts of the distinguished author who wrote the classic and well-loved stories of Christopher Robin, his animal friends and their adventures in the Hundred Acre Wood, but I must disagree with A.A. Milne on this one.

I have a very limited knowledge of manual work; in fact, I have spent most of my life avoiding it.

I have, like many people, suffered heart-breaking anguish in my life, but not by thinking up ideas for stories and articles.

A.A. Milne wrote his heartbreak and anguish came from fetching an idea from nowhere.

