How to become financially free — The Big Truth

You have to make money, including when you sleep. Otherwise you will have to work until you die.

Read or Die!
7 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

How to become financially free — the big truth.

You have to make money, including when you sleep. Otherwise you will have to work until you die.

I think Warren Buffett said this. If I’m wrong, please correct me.

Be that as it may, regardless of who said this, the matter is as follows:

Only in such a situation can you say that you are truly financially free. Only if you make money while you sleep.

Now, it is very important for you to know that you can do this, using many methods.

You can do this with the help of a business.
You can do this on the stock market.
You can do this if you invest in real estate.
And more…

But, regardless of the method you choose, all of these must have one thing in common.

The systems.

So, no matter how smart you are, if you are not able to create a system or several such financial systems, you will never be able to become truly financially free.

You will immediately understand what I want to say…

Financial freedom and financial independence.
Attention, there is a difference between financial freedom and financial independence.

I want you to know this right from the start, because there are a lot of people who confuse financial freedom with financial independence.

You can be financially independent even when you collect a monthly rent of 1000 euros, for example. And your monthly expenses are 999 euros.

Okay, you’re financially independent as long as you’re happy with that standard of living. That is, as long as your standard of living involves that amount of money.

However, as long as you are happy with that standard of living, that means you are independent.

That is, you do not depend on an employer or a certain entity to maintain your standard of living.

What does it mean to be financially free?
Financial freedom is something else. Being financially free depends on completely different aspects.

I’ll give you some examples that come to mind now:

Being financially free means being able to live 10 more lives from now on, and maintain a high standard of living, without having to go to the office.

Being financially free means having so much money that you become nervous that you have to think about what to spend it on.

Or being financially free means having so much money that you can never count it. To know their value only if you use the electronic instruments.

Don’t you think this is possible?

Look around the world and you will see that there are a lot of models that you can use as a source of inspiration.

Look at:

Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.

There are people who left from below, but who chose to live differently.

There are people who have created a system or several such financial systems.

How to become financially free — the big truth.
There are 4 aspects to which you must pay attention :

Seek to transform the impossible into the possible.
Reinvest everything you earn.
Get used to the fact that the results are seen later.
Give up the money you have collected.

The secret of a good life (25k per month):

Of course, I will talk about each aspect separately -

First aspect:

Seek to transform the impossible into the possible.
First of all, you have to think in terms of “impossible”.

What does it mean to think in terms of the impossible?

It means that you have to believe and imagine things that 99% of people cannot believe and imagine.

Okay, I know it’s hard, but precisely because it’s hard, you won’t have such a big competition if you don’t give up.

Because most of those from the poor social bed, abandon the moment they hit the first obstacle.

So, if you are persistent, you will manage to experience that explosion. Which will position you in the top, in a very short period of time.

Look at Apple.
Look at Amazon.
Look at Tesla.
Look at Alphabet.
Look at Microsoft.

All these companies are in fact a network of very well developed financial systems. They are money making machines.

Plus all these companies have turned the impossible into the possible. They contributed to the evolution of mankind.

Well, actually the people behind these companies have contributed to the evolution of mankind. Because a company is one and the same with the person who runs the company.

The second aspect.

Reinvest everything you earn.
The second aspect that you have to take into account is the following –

You have to reinvest everything you earn, at least in the beginning.

Only in such a way can you benefit from a so-called effect similar to compound interest.

If you look at Jeff Bezos, he grew his wealth in exactly this way. That is, in the beginning he constantly reinvested his profit.

And he came to the following results:

At 34, he had a fortune of 2 billion dollars.
At the age of 44, he reached a fortune of 8 billion dollars
And at the age of 54, he amassed a fortune of 110 billion dollars.

This means that:

Between the ages of 34 and 44 he had a net worth increase of 300%.

And for the total period, between the ages of 34 and 54, he had an increase in his net worth of 5400%.


Only if you reinvest everything you earn, you can end up making money while you sleep, as Buffet said.

All I want to say is that when you reinvest everything you earn, you will make money without having to work.

Because there will be a system or a “chain” of systems that will work for you.

The third aspect.

Get used to the fact that the results are seen later.
I’ll go back to Jeff Bezos for a bit and ask you to look at the above numbers again.

If you pay attention, you will notice that his wealth exploded in the second half of the period that I took into account.

Imagine if he stopped at 34 years old or maybe even at 44 years old, and did not reinvest his profit. You probably wouldn’t have heard of him at this point.

So, try to get used to the following things once and for all:

In the beginning, you will not earn a lot of money. But if you are persistent and keep working on your vision, you will start to get results.

Then, the results you get at the beginning will motivate you to continue.

And in the end you will reach the moment when you will not need to work at all. Because the money will work for you.

All I want to say is that in investments there is an effect similar to compound interest. Which you can only benefit from if you reinvest your income.

And of course, if you take into account this third aspect. That is, if you endow yourself with patience and perseverance.

Otherwise, you won’t have a chance…

The fourth aspect:

Give up the money you have collected.
Last but not least, probably the most important thing to do is to give up money.

Get rid of all the money you have collected. And give your money to people with expertise, who can bring about change. Who have the ability to change the world.

Of course it is a metaphor. I mean, when I say that you need to get rid of money, I’m actually saying that you need to look for people in society, who want to borrow your money and multiply it…

Because a financially free person no longer needs money. He needs other people to take care of his money.

You are alone. You can’t produce the same financial results, compared to 10 other people together, who put their minds to the contribution.

So, if you find other smart people who can multiply your wealth, give them the money they need.


You will make money together, plus the man will be grateful to you all his life…

And the faster you get rid of the money, the more money you will make.

The more money you give to people, the bigger and more financially free you will be.

Conclusion. How to become financially free — the big truth.

The conclusion is quite simple…

As long as you are financially dependent, you will have to work exactly as Warren Buffet said, until you die.

If you ask me, this should be your main goal in life -

Financial freedom.

The important thing is to understand that you need a system that puts money in your pocket, without having to break even.

And not because I want this. And because that’s the only way you’ll be able to feel that you’ve really lived.

This is the great truth, believe me. This actually means financial freedom.

Good luck and increase in money.

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Read or Die!

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