How to write 10 articles a day without getting tired .. .. ..

Writing ten articles in a single day may seem like a daunting task.

Read or Die!
5 min readJul 1, 2024


Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

1. Be Prepared Create an Outline: Prior to beginning your writing process, it’s important to have a clear outline for all ten articles. This can be a major time-saver. A well-crafted outline encompasses the essential points to be addressed, crucial information to be included, and a preliminary structure to guide the writing process. By adopting this approach, when you settle down to write, your attention can be directed towards expanding upon your ideas instead of grappling with the task of determining what to write next.

Establish clear goals for what you want to achieve each hour. Dividing your work into smaller, manageable chunks can help alleviate the feeling of being overwhelmed. As a writer, it’s important to set goals for yourself. One approach could be to aim for completing two articles within a two-hour timeframe. Remember to give yourself short breaks in between to recharge.

Arrange Your Topics in Order of Importance: Begin with the articles that require the most concentration or extensive research while your mind is at its sharpest. As the day goes on, you can transition to easier subjects that don’t demand as much mental energy.

2. Set up a cozy and inviting workspace
Make sure your workspace is comfortable and designed with ergonomics in mind. Ensure you have a comfortable chair, a properly positioned desk, and a screen that is at eye level. Insufficient attention to ergonomics can result in physical discomfort, sapping your energy in no time.

Eliminate Distractions: Seek out a serene environment where you can fully concentrate without any disturbances. Minimize the distractions by disabling any unnecessary notifications on your computer and phone. If you’re looking for some background noise, instrumental music or white noise can be great options. They can help you stay focused without becoming a distraction.

3. Establish a Routine Consistency is key: Set up a writing schedule and commit to it. Practicing this routine helps condition your mind to anticipate and get ready for writing sessions. Whether you prefer to begin your writing endeavors bright and early or find inspiration in the late hours of the night, maintaining a consistent writing routine is crucial.

Breaks and Rest: Regularly taking breaks is absolutely crucial. The Pomodoro Technique, with its structured work and rest intervals, can be quite effective. Once you’ve completed four “Pomodoros,” it’s time to reward yourself with a well-deserved break of 15–30 minutes. Take advantage of this moment to stretch your body, replenish your fluids, and give your mind a much-needed break.

4. Utilize various tools and resources
Writing Software: Use writing software that boosts productivity. Using tools such as Scrivener or Microsoft Word can be incredibly useful for organizing your writing. Using grammar and style checkers, like Grammarly, can be a real time-saver when it comes to editing.

Utilize research tools such as Evernote or Google Keep to efficiently gather and organize information. Consolidating all of your research into a single location not only simplifies the process of referencing, but also minimizes the amount of time wasted on searching for sources.

5. Prioritize Your Health Staying hydrated and nourished is important. Make sure to have a water bottle nearby and take regular sips throughout the day. It is crucial to stay hydrated in order to sustain concentration and energy levels. Consume well-rounded meals and snacks that offer long-lasting energy, like nuts, fruits, and whole grains.

Exercise: Make physical activity a regular part of your daily routine. Taking a brief stroll or engaging in gentle stretching can invigorate both your mind and body. Engaging in physical activity can effectively alleviate stress and enhance overall productivity.

Make sure you prioritize getting a restful night’s sleep. Insufficient sleep can have a detrimental impact on cognitive function and creativity, making it more challenging to write effectively. Strive to get a solid 7–8 hours of restful sleep every night.

6. Cultivate an Optimistic Outlook
Keep your spirits high: Remember the purpose behind your writing. Whether it’s for professional growth, personal satisfaction, or financial reasons, remembering your motivation can provide the drive needed to overcome difficult moments.

Embrace Small Victories: Acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments, even the smallest ones. Finishing every article is a crucial milestone on your journey, and recognizing this achievement can uplift your spirits and motivate you to continue.

7. Enhance Your Writing Speed Hone Your Typing Skills: Developing faster typing abilities can greatly boost your writing speed. There are plenty of online resources available to enhance your typing abilities.

Write with freedom: When you’re in the drafting stage, prioritize capturing your ideas rather than obsessing over every sentence. Editing can always be done later. Writing without constraints allows ideas to flow smoothly and prevents fixation on insignificant details.

Establish Time Limits: Push yourself by setting specific time limits for each section of your articles. Creating a sense of urgency can be beneficial in maintaining a steady writing pace.

8. Boost Concentration and Unleash Creativity
Embrace the power of mindfulness and meditation by integrating these practices into your everyday life. By utilizing these techniques, one can experience heightened focus, decreased stress levels, and increased creativity, resulting in improved writing efficiency.

Exploring a Range of Topics: If it’s feasible, try to cover a diverse array of subjects. Exploring different subjects can help keep your mind fresh and prevent exhaustion that comes from continuously writing about the same topic.

Find sources of inspiration that will surround you. Immerse yourself in a variety of resources — books, videos, or podcasts — that delve into the subjects you’re passionate about as a writer. Being inspired can ignite fresh ideas and enhance the writing experience.

In conclusion
Producing ten articles daily is a demanding yet attainable objective. With careful preparation, a cozy work environment, a consistent schedule, the proper equipment, prioritizing your well-being, cultivating a positive attitude, refining your writing efficiency, and nurturing your concentration and imagination, you can sustain your productivity without succumbing to fatigue. Always prioritize consistency and self-care to maintain a high level of productivity and ensure the excellence of your work. Keep up the great work with your writing!



Read or Die!

Seasoned storyteller crafting tales to captivate minds and stir souls. Join me on an adventure guided by the ink of experience. ✍️📚