How Writers Could Slaughter Out Their Content (If It Meant Holding Onto Quality)

Why Speed Is A Writer’s Friend

Cam Roze
Read or Die!
Published in
5 min readFeb 15, 2024


Speed in writing usually is something people will argue over. Take your time and don’t rush. I get that feeling, but sometimes you just have to finish the bloody piece of work. I personally took ages to tie off one chapter. The reason was I didn’t want a shitty ending to my book, to be frank. So, why should writers be slaughtering out their content? Let’s dive into it.

Photo by Ed Robertson on Unsplash

Finishing A Draft Is Vital (Absolutely Non-Optional)

Drafting is the process we go through before we edit and publish any written work. If you aren’t editing your drafts, you’re sacrificing moments that could be improving your precious written babies. As writers, we tend to get attached to our work and sometimes feel like it should never end.

Why We Are Attached To Our Written Prose So Deeply

