I Am So Stupid

Blinded by what I wanted to see and crushed by what I didn’t.

Ruby Noir 😈
Read or Die!


Photo by Vie Studio: Pexels

It’s strange how things happen.

I didn’t go looking for anyone. He found me. He pursued me. But I’ve been accused of so much in such a short time my head is spinning.

I wonder a lot if he ever read of my past or listened to what I told him. Maybe he didn’t believe it. Maybe he didn’t care. I’m a magnet for people who enjoy seeing someone suffer.

Born to bleed.

I thought I had something magical but magic isn’t real and it’s time to grow up now.

It was all so elaborate. I’d have left quietly. Instead, I spent hours chasing smoke in a hall of mirrors. I thought I knew who had created the chaos. But she never knew my real name. But she was in on it.

People underestimate my intelligence a lot. The timing of comment deletion was not coincidental. Maybe I went too far. Said too much. But all of the games and trickery just to make it end? It could have still been my fault, but why the game?

At some point, I will remember that peridots are my dogs’ birthstone and I didn’t waste money on wearing my love in precious metals. For now, I just deleted as much of him from as many places as I could. I probably missed some but such is life. I can’t erase…



Ruby Noir 😈
Read or Die!

14 X’s Top Writer. Vet tech and mom of 6 rescue animals. I speak for those who have no voice.