I Didn’t Expect This From Medium $$

Made $$ on Medium in My First Month (Shocking!)

Read or Die!
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

It’s only been three weeks since I joined Medium on March 16, 2024, and published my first story.

To my surprise, Medium has already given me a strong sense of accomplishment.

Before I delve deeper, a quick disclaimer: You have likely heard the saying “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

On Medium, I have observed a trend of writers sharing their experiences and journeys.

While I don’t blindly follow trends, I did ask myself: “What kind of articles truly inspire me?”

The answer? Articles about earnings.

While I write various content and value reader engagement, the most inspiring pieces are those where writers share their income, writing journeys, and motivations.

Since I find writer journeys and earnings articles inspiring, I believe my readers will as well.

More importantly, sharing my own experience could be a source of motivation for new writers.

This is why I’m writing about my earnings and first month on Medium.

This article will explore my earnings and overall experience on Medium in this first month.

Before revealing the numbers, let me share my initial goals: $5 for the first month (to recoup my subscription fee) and $10 for the second month.

As the Quran reminds us in Surah Al-Anfal, verse 30: “They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the Best of planners.”

Allah’s blessings truly exceeded my expectations. Alhumdulilah!

While I practice keeping expectations low to avoid disappointment, this doesn’t mean I lack hope.

After all, hope is what fuels our journeys.

Now, let’s see my earnings compared to my goals.

Screenshot by the Author

In less than a month on Medium (since joining on March 16th), I have already earned a total of $43!

A breakdown shows $34.18 earned in March and $9.33 so far in April (it’s only the second week).

As a Muslim, I’m incredibly grateful to Allah for this achievement.

My heartfelt thanks also go out to my wonderful readers who clap for my stories, leave thoughtful comments, and engage with me in such a meaningful way.

Let’s delve deeper. Are you interested in knowing about my highest-paying article? If so, keep reading!

Screenshot by the Author

My first story, where I poured my heart out about why I joined Medium, brought in $14.03.

My second story wasn’t far behind at $12.42.

Now, let’s explore the performance of my remaining stories.

If you’re interested, keep reading!

Screenshot by the Author

The screenshot above shows that even shorter stories can earn well!

Huge thanks to my readers — I hope this inspires you to write your own stories.

Now, a key point: Medium isn’t just about writing, it’s also about engagement.

I actively reciprocate with readers.

Forget generic comments — I take the time to read stories and leave thoughtful feedback.

This encourages them to visit my profile, which is crucial for building connections.

Avoid robotic comments — they scream “I didn’t read this!”

This reduces the chance of getting a response.

In the end, authenticity is key. Be genuine, and your connections will flourish.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.