I Don’t Know How To Be Consistent With My Writing

I’m still a little bird trying to figure out how to fly

Coralie B.
Read or Die!
3 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo by melethril on Unsplash

I started to write on Medium around three months ago. I never wrote before that.

It’s safe to say that I’m just a baby bird discovering this world of words.

I started with the innocence and wonder of a child discovering a new place. My first creations were somewhat clumsy but imbued with the motivation that goes hand in hand with novelty.

After a while I managed to venture further from the nest. I put some humor in my texts. I allowed myself to disclose elements of my past struggles. I made my pieces more personal.

The little bird in me started to gain confidence and made a few attempts to fly. I think I have sometimes managed to fly, even short distances.

Then came October. And the little bird wanted nothing more than to stay in its cozy nest.

He hit the ground along with his Medium statistics. Fortunately he didn’t fall from a height.

I tried to find reasons for this sudden lack of motivation. My apartment was under construction. I had a romantic weekend with my husband.

These reasons were but pretexts.

The truth is that the little bird in me was a little inconsistent.

But as November came, that little bird decided to make a new attempt at flying.

Truth to be told, the other birds are sometimes intimidating.

There are the humming-birds. You hardly see them flying but they manage to smell every flower. Discreet yet elegant and knowledgeable.

On the opposite side stand the peacocks. They show off their beautiful colors and they sometimes boast about a lesson.

If you want to succeed, you should consider writing good quality content! And good headlines too! PROVIDE VALUE!

Damn peacocks. Fancy feathers but rarely able to fly for a mile.

In the middle of this landscape, the swans swim and dance. They are beautiful yet they don’t need to show off. They master all the techniques. They have found their path and they follow it, unfazed.

What about me ? Where do I stand? What kind of bird am I? What kind of bird do I want to be?

I never thought I’d write this line one day, but here we are:

I think I am a duck.

Ducks explore. They migrate.

There are many varieties of ducks. They are not soulless copies. Each species of duck has its specificity and its character.

Above all, ducks live in groups. This means communities of ducks help and support each other.

Community and fellow writers are what I love most about Medium. I guess that makes me a duck.

A simple, small and clumsy duck. Sometimes determined, sometimes inconsistent.

A duck nonetheless.

A duck that learns to fly.

They say that consistency is key. I’d say that the key is to never stop trying. The baby bird in me might still slow down if necessary. Then it will come back to try again.

Most birds fly in the end.



Coralie B.
Read or Die!

Just somebody writing on something... and learning