I Quit University on Day 1, and I Don’t Regret it

It was the best decision I made

Georgia Smart
Read or Die!
4 min readMar 23, 2024


Photo by Pang Yuhao on Unsplash

I didn’t even begin my journey in university, I got to the tester day. The journey was officially starting but on the first day, we were all new, it was a tester to ease us in.

We got paired up with semester groups, told about lectures, included in simple class discussions, toured around the premises, and told more about the course.

But in that small space of 2–3 hours, I decided it wasn’t for me, although previously I was so excited for the start, everything changed.

Let me take you back

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash

I went through high school in probably the worst way I can imagine, I got bullied quite badly throughout, never made any friends, and struggled with dyslexia.

I felt I never belonged there as I didn’t fit in with anybody, I was always a different girl as I have a different appearance to them.

They used to mostly wear a high bunch in their hair with minimum makeup, making their uniform skirt super high up on their legs and feisty with a confident personality.

This was never me, I used to be the quiet girl who liked to look a little different from the sporty look the rest of the girls loved.

This did separate me and make me excluded but you haven’t heard the worst part yet.

My dyslexia held me back massively, I never knew I had it until I was about 17–18 right at the end of school. By then I had already been called out for my slow reading and embarrassed by teachers forcing me to read out in lessons.

I discovered I am not academic at all, it just wasn’t for me as reading and writing was a struggle. Although I did come out of high school with the best possible results you can get (A*), I still didn’t have that love for revision and work.

Let’s start Uni

Photo by Vadim Sherbakov on Unsplash

So let me take you back to when I chose to go to university, I felt pressured by everyone around me, they all chose university, and that seemed the only avenue to go down if you wanted to succeed.

So I stuck with the crowd and applied, I got accepted, and in the weeks before I blocked out all the negative thoughts and just made myself be excited like how I imagined everyone else was.

I didn’t really do much research into what it would be like, I chose a subject I was passionate about which was zoology (working with animals).

There were a couple of practical problems I didn’t fully think about though, I have a couple of allergies:

  • Hay fever
  • Timothy grass/hay
  • Pet dander (which is animal dandruff basically)
  • Pollen allergies

Yeah, looking back now this wasn’t the best idea ever, but I did want to work more with water-native animals, such as dolphins and marine life.

Anyway, it was time, for the first day of university. I work up extra early trying to make an effort In how I look. I was terrified and had to force myself to go in.

Instantly I got swamped by professors telling me which direction I needed to go in, giving me a map of which seemed the biggest building I had been in.

I found the classroom and it was a small lecture room. I came in through the front door, as everyone paused and looked straight at me. Surprisingly they all knew each other.

They had done the foundation course so 90% of the people knew each other, I instantly felt like an outcast already as I sat alone ignoring the stares.

Once the professor came in he gave us a run down, of the vast amount of reading textbooks required, the huge amount of overwhelming revision I would be taking part in, and the worst part.

The lectures, of the joy of sitting in a room for 4 hours listening to someone talk. I couldn’t imagine anything worse.

It just sounded like a nightmare to me.

We got to go home shortly after the tour, I sat with my mum and explained how it wasn’t what I expected. It was too much for me and I hated the thought of going back. I made no friends and realized it wasn’t that different from high school which was a nightmare.

We decided that there are other paths in life and I should try another one, as there is no point doing something I wouldn’t be happy with.

So I quit, about 2 hours into my university life. Impulsive? Yes. But I don’t Regret it now as without quitting I wouldn’t Be where I am today.

I wouldn’t have met my boyfriend, I wouldn’t have a job and a life I’m happy with. I would be wrapped up in years of stress for a job that could cause me health problems.

Some people love university and it is a great place to advance your learning. But it wasn’t right for me and that’s okay.

Thank you for reading :)



Georgia Smart
Read or Die!

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)