I Saw a House That Wasn’t There

A ghost story

Stephen Sovie
Read or Die!


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I’m a big fan of horror movies and ghost stories, but I don’t believe in anything otherworldly. I find it fun to be shocked or scared, but I don’t take them seriously. I know many people do believe in ghosts, however. Even though I don’t believe in ghosts, there was a time when where I questioned their existence.

Years ago, I was a junior at a college in a small city on Lake Ontario in New York State. I took an elective course called Paranormal Psychology, in which we studied paranormal phenomena such as ghosts and other unexplained activities. Only eight students were in the class, so we worked closely together on our projects.

One of our projects was to visit a small old cemetery in a hamlet a short distance from the city limits. Before we visited the cemetery, we were to research the cemetery and its occupants through research conducted at the local historical society. It was here that we discovered one of the occupants was a convicted axe murderer who was eventually executed.

We were then instructed to use a Ouija board to try to contact spirits buried in the graveyard. Naturally, we all wanted to contact the axe murderer. Even though we were excited, most of us were skeptical and viewed the whole activity as a joke, but it was a fun way to spend a boring fall evening.



Stephen Sovie
Read or Die!

A liberal retiree who loves writing about politics, social issues, my pets and my life experiences. You can buy me coffee here, https://ko-fi.com/stephensovie