I Wrote a 3 Part Short Story. Will You Read It For Me?

Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMay 3, 2024

An aspiring writer’s plea.

If you ask me what my dream is,

In Just a Brief sentence, I’d say:

I wish to write words that make the entire world feel all the emotions there are.

That’s my Big Mt. Everest-esque dream.

So to remember it, I wrote a 3 Part Short Story, Which was rejected by a publisher already.

Will you Read it for me?

I’ll Leave the Part 1 Here, If you like it, do Just 1 thing.

Leave a Comment about how you feel about it,

and let me know if you’d wish to read the next two parts as well.

The Title,

“Dev Cries”

“It hurts,” Dev says

Falling to his knees, crying,

“I know, dear,” his mother sobs.

“I don’t know why she did this,” Dev says,

“Me neither,” his helpless mother, still crying, says.

“I will never love again,” Dev, heartbroken, declares,

“I love you, dear,” his mother consoles.

“Thank you, Mother,” Dev,voice-trembling, millennia later, says,

“I always will,” his relieved mother hugs.

DEVI lies

“I’m alright,” Devi lies,

“No, you’re not,” her father sighs.

“Yes,I am not,” a shivering Devi agrees,

“Are you sure about this?”, her worried father asks,

“Yes, I am,” a sad-smiley-faced Devi says.

“Why’d you lie?,” Devi’s mother asks,

“I did not lie,” Devi lies, again,

“You don’t like him?” mother doubts,

“I don’t. I love him,” Devi wails.

DEV speaks

“You alright?” Dev’s father asks,

“I’ll be fine,” Dev convinces (both of ‘em).

“You really liked her,” his father understands,

“I hate myself for still doing so,” Dev agrees.

“Y’know, You’re mother wasn’t my first love,” his father says,

“What? I always thought so?,” confuses Dev,

“She’s the one that saved me”, his father explains,

“Work was my first and only love”,

“When I failed, my heart broke”,

“I shut myself off the world for 15 months,”

“I know it feels like the end of everything,”

“But it’s not. You’ll learn and you’ll find love again,” father asserts,

“I don’t know, father,” doubts Dev.

“All I hope is that you don’t close your heart permanently,”

Can you do that for me, son?” the hopeful father asks,

“Whatever you say, father,” Dev walks (away).

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

What was the Lie Devi say?

Why did she Lie?

Will they meet again?

Will Dev Find Love again?

Maybe in the same person? Or Someone else?

Find Out in the part 2 on what happened.

Thanks For Reading. Let me Know in the comments if you liked it.

Until Next time, Peace!

Photo by Reuben Juarez on Unsplash



Read or Die!

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