If You Think ‘I Don’t Have a Niche’ — Read This

Daniel Teurtrie
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2024


Photo by Henri Pham on Unsplash

I found my niche after writing for months on Medium.

Yes. You heard me right — months.

At the beginning, I was writing about everything. Mostly personal stories from my childhood and teenage. Then I decided to write about IT. I was writing about things I usually shared with friends and people around me.

After that topic, I decided for the hundredth time to write about something else.

And it repeated… It was just a rambling. I wasn’t creating an audience around something — I was sitting on two chairs. Until things changed.

I’ve gone viral

I remember it like it was today.

It was the beginning of February around 10 pm. I was sick, lying on my bed with a 100.4 F (38 degrees C) ague.

As I promised myself to write an article a day (a month before) I found strength in myself to do it. Grabbed my laptop, wrote for 15 minutes, and hit the publish button…

This was my most written article so far. I just wrote my thoughts and went on.

The next morning I woke up and checked my stats as usual. I couldn’t believe it. They had x4 overnight and it was just the morning.



Daniel Teurtrie
Read or Die!

Part-Time Writer +1,000$ month in 1 hour/day. Get my free writing course and more. daniktertri.com