Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2024


I’ll be there for you.

Photo by author

I was a believer, loyal to a fault, I trusted humanity when humans ripped my heart open and snatched my soul. I was a goofball submissive and sad among the narcissistic world. Holding hands with faith, I walked down the aisle of trust and empathy. “its me” they say, but ‘it was always you’ that was hidden beneath the false comfort of words. Words they never said, action that told a whole different story, I believed the rhetoric that gaslighted me. And here I wrote about the vulnerability that cursed me into who I am.

I’ll be there for you. I believe the phrase and chanted it like a holy verse.
Call me whenever you need, I ring the bell, but you switch off the phone.
My shoulders are there for you to rely on, but the support vanished like the body didn’t even exist.
I will be there for you, but you weren’t. You left me alone in the dark street for the dogs to eat my flesh. I was there in the laborer of nowhere, and you went away with the light. I blinded myself with the idea of you that I trusted your Satan more than my God. I mistook your darkness for the luminous of my moon. I hope you’ll turn my scars to the beautiful, but you engraved yet another and named it the star.

Amidst, all that I knew my God was pulling me away from Satan like the world.

