I’m Facing Writer’s Block Tonight

Just a pondering without a purpose

Coralie B.
Read or Die!
2 min readNov 23, 2023


Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

It’s one of those evenings.

I want to write tonight. But as I wonder what will be the topic of my article, nothing comes. Just silence echoing in my mind.

Where do we find our inspiration ?

An elusive moment in the morning.

A fleeting talk with a friend.

A memory flashing back from our past.

A tender sharing with our loved ones.

I must have missed all of those occasions today.

You’ll find many articles about the writer’s block. How to avoid it. How to never run out of ideas.

The block is a Nemesis any writer should learn to conquer.

What if it was just part of the journey? One of the many steps which lead you to the next checkpoint. The lowest of the wave before its peak.

Maybe it could be a friend whispering to you.

Rest tonight. You’ll know better tomorrow.

As if we were just looking at the starry sky, waiting for a falling star to show us the next course of events.

I find it a much more serene way to spend my evening. To share a part of my path with my writer’s block rather than fighting it. To welcome a quiet solace before a whirl of words.

If you expected this piece to be informative or enlightening, I am sorry to disappoint you.

Tonight, I have nothing of interest to write. Only some musing about nothingness.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll know better.




Coralie B.
Read or Die!

Just somebody writing on something... and learning