I’m Not Sure What To Make Of It

The duality of man and the plethora of choices we could make.

Sweet Honeylu
Read or Die!


Movie poster of the movie “Mr. Nobody”
Screenshot of the movie Mr. Nobody on Hulu.

You ever watch a movie and afterwards the only words you can conjure is…WHAT THE FUCK?!?


That was my reaction to this video I saw on Hulu.😐

After watching, I’m not really sure what I actually watched. At over two and a half hours, it took me two days to finish it, which is ok by me. I tend to overthink things as it is and prescribe meaning to things where there might not be any.

Mr. Nobody is a 2009 science fiction drama film starring Jared Leto who plays Nemo, a 118-year-old man who is the last mortal on Earth after the human race has achieved quasi-immortality. The speculative narrative frequently changes course to investigate the alternate life paths that could have resulted from his making different decisions in his life, focusing on when he is nine, fifteen, and thirty-four. The film has nonlinear narrative that incorporates the multiverse hypothesis. You can see why it was starting to irritate me but of course I was going to finish it to see where they were going with it.

It’s 2092, humanity has achieved Immortality through the endless renewal of cells. The world watches in fascination as the 118-year-old Nemo Nobody’s life is broadcast like “The Truman Show”. They watch the last mortal on Earth, as he edges towards death.

A pretty disturbing thing to do, but hey. This is what they do for entertainment in 2092.

A forked brick path and well manicured lawn
Split path. Photo by succo on Pixabay

He tries to recount his life to a journalist but makes several contradictory statements regarding his childhood. He recalls his parent’s divorce and he had to make a choice between living with the mother or staying with the father. He at first makes the decision to stay with his father but later on, he recalls choosing his mother and getting on a train with her. He does the same thing when he recalls the different women he chose to marry and career paths. It reminded me of a “Choose your own adventure” book where you get to choose what the main character does and if it happens to be a bad choice, you go back to previous pages and make another. I must have used seven of my fingers to keep my multiple places reading those books.

In the end, Nemo realizes that any choice he makes is the right choice.

Every choice is the right choice. -Mr. Nobody

Thank you for reading. This has been rambling musings with Honeylu🌺


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Check out Mr. Nobody (Extended Cut) on Hulu!



Sweet Honeylu
Read or Die!

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.