
Invisibility as a Superpower

I just can’t see it

barry robinson
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2023


man in the dark.Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Over the years, I have often been asked, If I had the choice, what super power I would pick?

I always chose invisibility, but I never really thought it through.

Being invisible can have its drawbacks.

Imagine you are invisible and walking down a crowded street. You may be on your way to major crime, or just going to grab a sandwich. (Super heroes have to eat, don’t they?)

If you are visible, it is easy to avoid people you see coming towards you and take evasive action. All those in the immediate vicinity are aware of this and also adjust their position regarding you and others.

But if they can’t see you, everybody will just keep bumping into you. So you need another super power: flight. You need to rise above the melee and fly to where ever you are going.

But this it poses its own problems.Flying while invisible creates its own dangers.

Helicopters, low-flying planes, micro lights, and drones. All of these will pose a threat to an invisible super hero.

Of course, you could ditch the invisibility and be seen, like superman. But he was an exhibitionist. I mean, would you want to wear a bright blue onesie, with red…

