Is there such a thing as a classless society?

barry robinson
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2023
Authors photo.

I have recently read that a former British prime minister, wants everybody in Great Britain to be middle class.

How can I explain to this former PM this is an impossibility?

There is only one way. A simple experiment using a cheese sandwich, feel free to join in if you wish.

Take two slices of bread and one slice of cheese. You may apply butter, or any low fat spread to the bread if you wish.

Take one slice of the bread and lay it on a flat surface, then take the slice of cheese and lay it on the first slice of bread. Then place the second slice of bread on top of the cheese.

Now I am aware that you could use other items instead of the cheese. A spanner, a toaster, or even a lawn mower, but bear with me, cheese is best, as you will see later in this post.

Now look at the cheese sandwich. The bottom slice of bread can be called the lower slice, the cheese the middle slice and the top slice of bread can be called the upper slice. But if you remove both slices of bread, the cheese ceases to be in the middle. It is just a slice of cheese.

So, Mr. former PM, you must understand that to have a middle class, you need a lower class below them, and a higher class above them.

Now I can hear you all crying “he means a classless society”. Well, if anybody wishes to build a classless society, Great Britain, and especially England, is the last place to begin.

We have an aristocracy, some who will claim their lineage back to the Norman thugs who came over with William the Conqueror, Sir Guy de Killalot and others who, stole large tracts of the countryside.

They then built castles and manors over the years, and their descendants still live there. They give their sons’ names such as Tarquin, Tristian or Terrapin, and their daughters, Hortense or Hairpin. They all marry each other and guffaw when they meet.

One of their favourite past times is looking down on people.

This is a strand of society who looks down on the Royal Family as Middle class. Can you imagine them agreeing to a classless society?

As we lower orders say, “You’re avin a larff”

I really believe there is no real classless society anywhere in the world. Anybody who thinks they live in one is either delusional or an ant, possibly both.

Now it’s lunch time.

Where did I leave that cheese sandwich?

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