Just Another Dog Gone Day

Patty Feyh
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2023
Photo by Amber Aquart on Unsplash

It’s my day to slip away because my emotions are numb to the pain around me right now.

Unable to deal with suffering, negativity, drama, complaints and the”all over the board” conversations this morning with my coffee. I found myself lacking emotion and excusing myself from idle chatting in messenger with family. I actually felt numb.

Turning to my loving husband, I decided to have a quiet day with him and our dog, Samantha. I don't regret that choice. I've felt “dog gone good” all day even though it's been raining all day.

I think sometimes it's possible to extend yourself to people's misfortune, sadness and even their happiness when you are in a different emotional state. You realize nobody needs you. They use you for a sounding board.

You may think that listening to this every day is helping them or maybe yourself and then a day comes along that you watch them unfold their own problems or emotions entirely without you listening to a word.

Nobody wins, nobody loses…it's just another dog gone day.

As the day unfolded, I completed some of the little tasks around the house and made a breakfast burrito brunch for us. I even spent time on my own hygiene things like trimming my eyebrows and other unwanted facial hair which I don't have much of but what the heck? I didn't want to part with the cash to go have a wax job at the salon.

We are going up to my sister's tomorrow for a little Christmas gathering and gift exchange. She recently got a new little cockapoo puppy that I'm looking forward to meeting.

I took Samantha for a walk when the rain stopped for a bit. She had her bath yesterday so we tried to stay somewhat clean. I do her grooming myself these days to try and save a little cash there.

I think most of us face these similar days especially in retirement. Faced with a lot of people having hard times during the holiday season can be depressing. I am not depressed so it seems wrong to be happy around these people in my life. My children, my neighbors and even what I read show hardships.

We really will be ok so I'm just taking this “dog gone day” to enjoy the happiness I feel at Christmas. It's not about things but about faith, hope and love. Maybe I can spread a little cheer this weekend.

Thank you for reading! I know I don't speak in a profound manner. I understand we can't control depression so I'm sending hugs and hope you all will be ok as this year ends and a new one begins.
Have a dog gone good day!



Patty Feyh
Read or Die!

I'm very passionate about dogs. I believe in perspectives, choices, freedom and listening to your voice. I long for adventures that listen to my call to freedom