Kalyuga: A Blessing We Need to Acknowledge

Dr. Shalini Garg
Read or Die!
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2024

We are living in golden age where all our wishes are just a finger press away

Photo by ameenfahmy on Unsplash

Kalyuga, often depicted as an age of darkness and moral decline, is, paradoxically, a period marked by extraordinary advancements that have transformed our lives in profound ways.

It’s evident that technology has not just improved our lives but has created a world of unprecedented convenience and opportunity, making this era a unique blessing.

Have you seen the magic of a wand that grants all our desires? This is the reality we live in today.

Craving for something to eat:

But don’t want to step out, no worries just press a button and get it at your doorstep.

Need to learn a skill or a course :

Online courses and social media platforms provide unparalleled access to a vast array of subjects, from academics and digital skills to investments, business, architecture, design, cooking, and lot more. No matter who you are – kids, students, housewives, or working professionals – you can find resources tailored to your needs from anywhere in the world. This level of accessibility and convenience was unimaginable in any other era.

Want to do an effortless shopping

Shopping, a task once laden with the burden of travel and time has become a seamless experience, thanks to numerous apps that let you purchase anything from a needle to a car from your comfort space and of your choice. Whether it’s clothes, shoes, groceries, or furnishings, everything is available online, often at substantial discounts. If an item doesn’t meet your expectations, returns are hassle-free, with refunds processed quickly.

Want to travel but getting in queue for booking the ticket is a tiresome job

Transportation and travel have become more convenient and safer. Booking a cab, a movie ticket, or a flight is now just a click away, eliminating the need to stand in long queues.

Digital payments have made it possible to travel safe in any part of the world without carrying cash, reducing the risk of theft and making transactions simplified.

Love reading books but difficult to maintain the collection and carry physically

Book lovers are hugely benefited from technological advancements. E-books and online libraries allow us to carry an entire library in our pockets, making reading on the go more accessible than ever.,

Feel bored during travels and stuck jam or waiting hours

The impact of technology have made our leisure time more productive. With smartphones and tablets, we can read, listen to music, or catch up on podcasts anywhere, anytime and utilise our long travel or waiting hours in a good way.

Even remote areas are no longer isolated, as technology bridges the gap, bringing connectivity and services to previously unreachable places.

Health and fitness are effortless to maintain.

Online fitness classes and health apps allow people to maintain their fitness regimes without stepping out.

Telemedicine has made healthcare more accessible, especially in rural areas, ensuring that medical advice and treatments are just a call away.

This ease of access extends to all areas of life, increasing awareness and encouraging personal growth. People are more aware of their moral responsibilities and are gravitating towards spirituality.

Children today are growing up smarter and more informed, with access to educational resources from an early age. They are more career-conscious and responsible, reflecting a shift towards recognizing and nurturing individual talents. The possibilities are endless in every profession, and talents in singing, dancing, writing, and painting are now respected and can lead to successful careers. This inclusivity and respect for diverse skills and professions are unprecedented.

The empowerment of women is another significant achievement of this era. Gender discrimination is increasingly challenged, and the celebration of girl child is more pronounced. Women today have the freedom to leave troublesome relationships without fear of societal judgment, supported by laws designed to protect their rights

Celebrations have also taken on a new dimension. Special days like Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Friends’ Day are now widely recognized, providing opportunities to celebrate our relationships and make our loved ones feel cherished. This cultural shift contributes to a more joyful and connected society.

Financial literacy and wise saving through funds and policies have allowed people to enjoy the luxuries of life with proper planning for the future.

People today believe in enjoying life to the fullest and don’t deprive themselves of small pleasures of life in a bid to save for future generations which in earlier times was a common belief.

Our older generations and elders spent all their lives in deprivation and worked hard to survive :

but the mantra of modern era or so called kaliyug is Work Smart Not Hard

One undeniable drawback of Kalyuga is that, along with the rapid advancement of technology, our minds are also racing, often cluttered with unnecessary thoughts that act like weeds, hindering our health and progress.

While it is easy to focus on the negative aspects of Kalyuga, a deeper reflection reveals that the negativity of this era is combated with so much of blessings to create a perfect balance.

We have misinterpreted the teachings of Krishna about Kalyuga, unfairly blaming the innocent yuga for the acts of few people who were the victim of their own minds. In reality, the corruption and misconduct Krishna predicted are not external but reside at the individual mind level.

Every era has its own set of challenges and advantages, blaming the entire Yuga for the actions of a few individuals overlooks the immense blessings and potential it offers.

Ravana and Duryodhan are there in every yug.

The comfort, convenience, and opportunities available today are unparalleled. If this era or Yuga, can witness groundbreaking discoveries, explore the moon and space, create devices that ease our work, and develop robots and artificial intelligence, then it certainly has the potential to master the mind.

The same technology that can overwhelm our minds also provides tools for unparalleled growth and self-realization.

It’s a reminder that while we harness the power of technology, we must also cultivate inner peace and clarity. In recognizing this duality, we can truly appreciate the blessings of Kalyuga, using its gifts to enhance our lives while maintaining our mental and spiritual well-being.



Dr. Shalini Garg
Read or Die!

I hold a phD in psychology,healer and a life coach. Great passion for writing and reflecting my thoughts and learnings to spread awareness and help the people.