Lack of Notifications

A frustrating dilemma indeed

Julia A. Keirns
Read or Die!


Photo by sarah b on Unsplash

Yes, I am frustrated with the lack of notifications on Medium, so I finally clicked on the Help Center.

Lo, and behold, there is a message that they know about the problem…

We are aware of issues with receiving notifications on Medium. Please bear with us as we work to resolve this.

I believe this has been going on for several days now. I wonder what kind of a problem it can be that is taking so long to fix. I am no IT person so it would probably sound like gibberish to me if I did know.

I seem to have a green number that pops up sometimes telling me I have new notifications, but when I click on it, the same notifications from 11 hours ago are all I see.

If you as a writer are not getting your notifications, then please understand that the editors and publishers are not getting their notifications either.


One way to get around this issue as an editor, is to keep checking the queue for new stories coming in. If the editors are not being notified that you submitted a story, it may take extra time for your story to be published.




Julia A. Keirns
Read or Die!

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.