Letting Go Of The Fear of Surgery

And surrendering to the flow of things

Sandy Maximus
Read or Die!


Scrabble tiles saying “Let it go”
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I was dealing with bunion pain in my early 40s. It is when a bony bump forms at the base of the big toe. My home remedies included trying to wear orthotics, buying wide shoes, and wearing a toe separator in the shoes, among a few other remedies on the internet that kept me from visiting a doctor for a couple of years.

When all else failed and I could no longer bear the throbbing pain, I went to a podiatrist. The doctor walked in, looked at the x-rays, and informed me that I would need a surgery called bunionectomy. He asked me to call him when I was ready for the surgery and left for his next appointment.

While I was in shock for a few minutes hearing the word “surgery,” I wasn’t going to join his fan club anytime soon because of his poor interpersonal skills. He could have been the best surgeon, but I needed a more responsive doctor. Perhaps, some compassion.

I went for a second opinion to Dr. C, who came highly recommended. Dr. C gave me the same news. The only difference is that he took 45 minutes to answer all my questions and consoled me through my crying fit.

The truth is that I was scared of surgeries. I still am. I’d never had an injury or illness that required one. Both my deliveries were natural births. I was…



Sandy Maximus
Read or Die!

An academic, a mother, and a wanna-be writer in (pre) cancer treatment with interests from travel to tennis, personal stories, and life lessons.