My Numerology Number

My destiny, soul, and personality

Julia A. Keirns
Read or Die!


Photo by Antoine Dautry on Unsplash

Michael Rhodes wrote an article about his numerology number and I was intrigued.

I have never heard of numerology, so I decided to check out my own name. You too can check out your name here.

People who study numbers, known as numerologists, believe the number value of a person’s name directly influences their personality and destiny.

By understanding the meanings of these core numbers, you can gain a deeper insight into your life’s purpose and the energies that influence your decisions. Delving into the essential core numbers in name numerology can provide you with valuable insights into your personality, strengths, and weaknesses. —



Julia A. Keirns
Read or Die!

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.