My Soul Mate Turns 90 This Month

The relationship between grandmother and granddaughter can be a greater love, than any romance

Lyrical Lioness
Read or Die!


Photo by Author

I wasn’t going to post this photo initially, because I usually try to retain some anonymity due to my occupation.

There’s something about this photo though. My mother captured one of the most beautiful moments between my grandma and me; something she’s quite skilled at.

That photo was taken on my birthday in July last year, my grandma’s is on June 24th, and she is turning 90 this year.

I have always felt that my Grandma was my soul mate. Ever since I was a little girl, there was this beautiful, unspoken connection between us.

As a child, I could curl up on her lap like a cat, hug her tightly with my small frame, her stroking my shoulder, or yak her ear off while she cooked in the kitchen. She would coo a tune to me as well:

“I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and peck and a hug around the neck.”

Or she would sing the Hungarian tune Az a Szèp.

Now in my adult life, we can sit in peace and silence beside one another, hold hands walking, rock on the long chair in the back patio, or watch some ridiculous old I Love Lucy show (she has lots of DVDs) or…



Lyrical Lioness
Read or Die!

Writing about music, creativity, education, communication, connection, relationship repair, and creating secure relationships. Top Writer x5 2024