My Summer Writing Inspo: Channeling Keanu Reeves’ Momentum

Implementing #2 had this article written in 20 minutes

Tan Rosado🤍
Read or Die!


Author’s image. Yes, that’s a shark head on the table.

Summer break begins next week.

I’m lucky to be called Ma, Mommy, Momma, Momma… to an 8 and a 10-year-old.

With the kids out of school, my sanity is optional.

But making money isn’t.

I can picture it now…

The kids read quietly in their rooms while I spend my mornings cranking out one or two stellar articles each day to add to my blog.

I have time to work on my newsletter while they make their beds and walk the dogs.

Image created in Bing


I’ll be hiding from them.

Letting them watch YouTube way more than I should, and I’ll probably be walking the dogs myself.

Oh- the joys of parenting in 2024.

What our summer will really look like

The next two months will most likely include me chasing my 10-year old daughter around repeating, “Where is my phone? I need to call your Dad!”



Tan Rosado🤍
Read or Die!

Tanya, Boosted writer, God-fearing Mom & happy freelancer. Writing about generating passive profits while keeping my sanity.🤪