Medium Focus

Sharing My Writing Success With You- Finding the Perfect Mix of Goals on Medium

How I scored a goal with Medium writing

Read or Die!


Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash

Are you finding it challenging to set and stick to your goals as a writer, particularly on platforms like Medium?

Let me tell you, it’s been quite a struggle particularly as I work as well.

I did set goals, but I think I should have been more specific. At work, we have hard goals and soft goals. I think this can also be applied to writing on Medium.

Hard goals are the ones you can measure, like publishing a certain number of articles each month or hitting a specific word count.

On the flip side, soft goals are a bit more abstract. They’re about things like improving my writing skills, building a community of readers, or just finding joy in the creative process.

On Medium…

When I first started writing on Medium, I found myself in a similar situation at work, where hard goals were all that mattered.

Every morning, it felt like I was under pressure to meet certain targets, like getting a specific number of claps or views on my articles. I must admit it did make it less enjoyable — it just drained the enjoyment away!

Plus, every time I hit publish — I would be constantly checking the numbers.

But then it hit me: setting goals in isolation isn’t the way to go. Just like a football team works together to win games, writers thrive when they collaborate on their goals.

I realized that I had to engage with others and not just focus on the numbers. I had to find some enjoyment, or I knew I would give up.

Sure, hard goals give me direction, but focusing solely on them can lead to burnout and a narrow view of success. On the other hand, soft goals let me grow creatively, but they might lack the structure I need to make progress.

I suppose the trick is finding a balance between the two. I’ve started setting some hard goals, like aiming for a certain number of publications to send my work to or engaging with other writers.

I mix this with soft goals, like improving my writing skills or being happy with my writing.

Friends link

The future…

As I continue working on Medium, I’m learning to use both types of goals.

I have clear objectives to aim for, but I also get to enjoy the process of writing and connecting with my audience.

It’s not about picking one over the other, it’s about finding a balance between the two.

So, if you’re struggling with your writing goals, as I have been, just remember to use soft and hard goals.

And You will score a hat-trick!

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Read or Die!

I write about Sports exploring success and failure, sharing insights with readers. Dedicated father and husband building my business.