Observing People Makes Me Sometimes Stare At Them

Daksh Parmar
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2024
Photo by Yuan Rong Gong on Unsplash

To observe someone, the first thing you have to do is STARE. Gosh, I hate that. But sometimes it’s okay. Staring doesn’t always mean you are judging the person, sometimes it’s inevitable.

Sometimes you look at the person, coz something is in them, that is reflective, like you are watching a mirror. Like you are seeing or feeling what they are.

I was going somewhere on a train, standing at the station waiting for my train. I usually look around, looking at people but mostly glance and rarely stare. I saw a father, holding her daughter's hand, teaching her how to look at Train No. and Platforms to hop onto the correct train.

The moment I looked at them, I couldn’t stop staring. I was looking at his daughter, and thinking how I would teach my daughter If I ever got a chance. To let you know, that I am not even married.

But seeing them, I change my whole personality and become the father. It is observing but I cannot achieve that without staring at them.

The father looked at me, and I suddenly looked away, a little embarrassed, hiding my smile with a grin. I couldn’t stop it, I wanted to see them again.

But the time I did, I already felt like a creep, and the feeling I had before as a father, has changed and I become the stranger, staring at people.

I used to think, that whoever looked at me for more than 3 seconds, is either judging me or thinking something bad about me. It could be true, but If I don’t know why would I think bad? I might be a mirror, making them see themselves.



Daksh Parmar
Read or Die!

Sharing a positive light, from the negative self I was once.