Online Gaming Relieves Stress

This might sound very controversial as you hear of raging gamers all the time

Georgia Smart
Read or Die!
2 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Mateo on Unsplash

We hear all the time about gamers, all they do is spend their time online, in a violent game, shouting and raging on the mic, right?

They don’t eat, they spend hours gaming without having a shower and all they do is grow more obsessed and more violent. This is our typical idea of gamers. And one I can’t deny as a lot are actually like this.

So if gaming causes all of these negatives, why do they stick at it? Why log on every day, surely it can’t be good for your mental health?

Escape from reality

This is something we all want to do, whether people use alcohol or drugs people we will find ways to do this. It may be illegal or wreck your health. But the need to be free from the worries and stress of life is too overwhelming.

Each person will find their own coping mechanism and for some, including me, it’s gaming.

Gaming in reality

Although we have stereotypical views of gamers, the actual game can help you in so many ways. I know what you’re thinking

Georgia how can a violent killing game help me?

It’s freedom, independence, a world that you are entering where you can get lost and forget about everything else. You are so focused and determined you can let your mind be at ease.

Yes, there is toxicity in there, a lot of it to be honest. I did write an article on this earlier and will tag it at the end. But a simple way is to turn off all voice channels and written chat, play some music, or just speak with your gaming friends.

Video gaming can also be like an addiction! You are obsessed with the game and religiously play it each day. It’s a harmless coping mechanism.

Gaming should have more positive views around it and should be more widely accepted.

Here are some life lessons it can teach you:

  • Teamwork
  • Sociability
  • Patience
  • Empathy
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership

So is gaming really that bad? Maybe some forms of gaming could be used as a way to reduce stress, maybe not the high-octane mad shooters, but something like Animal Crossing.

An easy game to relax and calm you down. What do you think?

Thank you for reading! Please clap and comment to support me :)

Photo by ELLA DON on Unsplash



Georgia Smart
Read or Die!

Writing about my personal growth, writing tips, motivation and living a healthy lifestyle :)