Per Aspera Ad Astra

This amazing Latin phrase helped me with procrastination

Read or Die!
3 min readApr 10, 2024


Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

Per aspera ad astra” is a Latin phrase that translates to “Through thorns to the stars”

I love this phrase because it conveys a very deep message so beautifully in literally four words. (And it is in Latin so it sounds cool too. lol)

To me, it means that if I want to succeed in life and achieve the heights and brightness of the stars, I have to go through challenges. The hope of reaching the stars one day, keeps me going when I’m losing motivation.

I have written it on a sticky note, posted in front of my desk. Whenever I see it, it motivates me.

The note on the shelf above my desk — Image by author

Now, what is so unique about it that motivates me so much?

Well, I somehow get motivated at the mention of stars and galaxies. One day, I was just procrastinating in a very interesting way that is, searching Pinterest for study motivation and quotes, when I stumbled upon this phrase.

That image had the typical, colorful, galaxy-themed background with this phrase written in golden text. Somewhat like the image below.

Photo by Vincentiu Solomon on Unsplash

And when I read that, I felt an urge to just go and start doing something, to start working towards my goals, to reach the stars even if that means going through thorns.

I don’t know if anyone can relate but instead of quotes, I get motivated by images of stars and galaxies. Seeing or searching about space and stuff fills me with energy.

It just makes me want to work harder and fulfill my dreams. It makes me fascinated and motivated to study, to learn and to work for a greater cause.

It makes me feel like those stars are my dreams, and I’m procrastinating. Why? I have dreams to live and wonders to do! I have to work through the hardships towards my dreams, to the stars!

Through thorns to the stars! Per Aspera, Ad Astra!

Photo by Juskteez Vu on Unsplash

It is literally imagining myself walking through thorns to reach the stars, that makes me so motivated.

And I know, motivation is always temporary. Only discipline can help us in the long run, but still, in moments when I feel like giving up when I feel like becoming a drop of gray in a sea of gray, it somehow motivates me to work my way, to shine like a star one day!

I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope you got some motivation!



Read or Die!

A lost soul who is navigating through life by writing