Pretty Ain’t the Panacea You Think It Is
There’s a Downside and It’s Downright Creepy
I’m just going to come out and say it. The next person that comes to me or the next thing I read about pretty privilege is gonna get it! Right now, my blood is boiling and I’m kinda creeped out.
Sure, being attractive has some advantages. It also has some drawbacks, and they can be very, very serious.
Why am I thinking about this today when I should be gorging myself with turkey on this Canadian Thanksgiving weekend? Because, yet again, my looks have attracted some weirdo.
This is what I woke up to this morning, a friend request and this:
For context, this guy was the maintenance guy at the building I used to live in. I lived there for almost 3 years. So now, I know he was watching me. Do you have any idea how creepy that is?
I used to want to be noticed. As a young girl, I wanted to be beautiful. I wanted to be sexy. I wanted all the boys…