R.O.D. — Special Event (May 2024)

Nothing more than a late spring fare

Read or Die!


A person taking notes while sitting on the grass
R.OD. WRITING FAIR || Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

This way, my friends. Each of you grab a pen and a notebook and sit right there on the grass. Make yourselves comfortable, ’cause this first edition is about to start!

Is everyone here? Okay, then we can… I see someone’s a bit late, haha. Don’t worry about it. Just grab your writing gear and go join the others.

All good now. Let’s start!

You might wonder what this is all about, so let me cut the BS short. Yes, the title is tailor-made to draw you in and make you ask yourselves, “What the heck is this special event?”

Now that I have your attention, I’ll be real with you. I will drop your excitement level only to sling it back up. What an asshole move, right?

Ready? Here we go!

This entire thing is just me announcing a Read or Die writing competition (more like a writing fair) based on a short set of prompts I’ll come up with. Nothing out of the ordinary so far. However, there’s a catch:

I will personally nominate a few…



Read or Die!

Boost Nominator. Stalking the Medium feed. Good stories scouter. Hammock "Guru." Writing down his silly musings. Owner of Read or Die & Read or Die - HQ.