Sick In The City Again

I feel like death warmed over

Ruby Noir 😈
Read or Die!


Photo rights belong to me

I look through my Ruby pictures for these and basically just find one and say, “Sure, why not?” and post it.

There’s no rhyme or reason for them these days other than I keep real pictures buried in my articles because people always seem to have things to say about them.

Anyway, I feel like hell. Blue Eyes has been taking excellent care of me but I spent more of yesterday asleep than awake. I would only be up for a few hours at a stretch then overcome with exhaustion. He feels like he did this to me by making life fun and I hate that he thinks that way. It’s exactly why I don’t want to leave here. Because life is fun. My stupid autoimmune is flared but that’s because my stomach is so bad again and it makes me nervous.

Right now I feel nauseous at all times and if I try to eat or drink anything it comes right back out and I am in utter agony curled over myself, holding my stomach, and clenching my body against the pain — so I do not eat. And my entire body feels like a migraine thanks to the autoimmune. So it’s not so fun being me right now.

Being in the city means I can get anything I want delivered immediately so there are all kinds of things in this apartment for my stomach from peppermint tea and Pepsi and Sprite (I hate Gingerale but pretty much any…



Ruby Noir 😈
Read or Die!

14 X’s Top Writer. Vet tech and mom of 6 rescue animals. I speak for those who have no voice.