Sometimes you just have to move on

Ms Black
Read or Die!
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


Hanging on by a thread


No closure. No explanation. Just a lesson learned.

Whether it’s a heartbreak, death, job loss, or failed business plan, you should always move on. Now I know at times, you may feel the need to fight for what you want, and you’ll probably try to take another route to get your end result. There comes a time when you have to realize it is time to let go. The beautiful thing about life is, when you let go, there is always something better waiting for you. In order to receive that, you have to release your hold.

  • Don’t think about what could go wrong if you let go.
  • Don’t think about if you’ll make it or not.
  • Don’t think about other people's opinions and their own fears they place on you.
  • Don’t think about the how.
  • Don’t think…just do.

Just let go.

I used to think that holding on to something was the key to keeping it. Having a hold on something will eventually cause you pain. The real power is letting go and knowing that if it is meant for you it will stay in that position be a blessing and not a burden in your life.

Just imagine yourself hanging on a rope. You have a tight grip, but eventually you start to feel your hands sweat and you can feel your body weight as you’re starting to get weak. The flip side to this is: YOU’RE the one in pain, the rope isn’t.

You’re using all your energy holding on while cursing the rope for giving you blisters and causing you pain even though you knew what would happen if you hung on too long. You feel yourself slipping and because you’re now in the state of fear you haven’t even noticed that your inches from the ground. The fear of letting go has consumed you to the point that you can’t even allow yourself to look down and see that you’ll be fine. As your weight begins to wear on the rope it starts to snap and soon you’ll realize that you’re the one causing the tear. Now you’re the one hanging on too long and your hold is causing pain, not just for you, but for the other person, and you’ll have no choice but to let go. Would you rather let go and land safely on your feet? Or wait until the rope breaks and land in pain?

Life will force you to move.

Evolution is relevant to all parts of life. At its core, it has a necessity to survive in environments that are always changing. It will create a situation that, to you, is traumatizing. I’m sure we’ve all had at least one traumatizing moment in our life, and it caused us to change in some way or another.

When it comes to nature, the process of natural selection is a great teacher. It is where only the most adaptable species survive and are forced to evolve. For us it maybe to shed old patterns, old relationships, bad money habits or our thought process.

To some people, this process may be painful and challenging. The beauty in all this is, we find out how strong we really are.

(Give yourself credit for making it this far. You made it through every trial, even times when you think you wouldn’t…you made it…you had to let go)

Evolution is not a solitary process, and neither is letting go. Think about it, there’s a broader ecosystem. The only part of moving on that involves you being alone is the actual letting go part. Once you release, there will ALWAYS be a net of support waiting for you, whether it’s friends, family, a therapist, the government, etc.

What if you let go and fall into a sea of blessings that had been waiting for you?

Do it…let go and let life show you something new!

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Thank you for reading. Blessings to you.

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Ms Black
Read or Die!

CEO of Queen Luxury Lifestyle LLC, Accomplished Amazon Author, Luxury Women's Empowerment Advocate, and Private Life Coach Inspiring Positive Transformations