Start Caring for A House Plant for Personal Growth

Your green thumb says a lot about you

Sandy Maximus
Read or Die!


House plants
Photo by vadim kaipov on Unsplash

As a 23-year-old ready to start adult life, I was excited to decorate my apartment and added a few indoor plants to it.

I soon realized that I was really good at killing every single plant.

I used to joke that I had a “red thumb,” but jokes aside, the truth was that I didn’t know and didn’t care to learn about what the plants needed to flourish.

It wasn’t until I took the time and effort to care for my first kitchen garden a few years later that I saw the “fruits” of my labor (literally). We had a starter home with a small patch of land in the backyard.

That summer my backyard was raining tomatoes!

Some parallels to life

Caring for plants requires a certain level of attention and sensitivity that is akin to the kind of emotional availability needed to maintain healthy human relationships and friendships.

Your green thumb says a lot about you.

  1. Understand individual needs. Just like every individual is different with their unique set of strengths, preferences and needs, each plant has unique needs that differ in the amount of water and sunlight they need to thrive. It’s not a…



Sandy Maximus
Read or Die!

An academic, a mother, and a wanna-be writer in (pre) cancer treatment with interests from travel to tennis, personal stories, and life lessons.