Swept Under The Rug

One more thing of dirt will not matter


Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

A Therapy Diary

I’m writing in my diary while waiting for my parents to pick me up.

“Faculty Psychology” and “Faculties of Mind” were tacked upon my therapist’s bulletin board.

This Scumbag of a therapist sexually assaulting me and my not fighting him off today, as I’ve done all month long, is not what matters.

One more thing of dirt today just will not matter. It’s once again being swept under this therapist’s rug so no one sees it.

The Scumbag let me read the recommendation to the doctor for today’s discharge. It read how well I had participated in groups and individual therapy sessions.

HE got HIS way today.

I do know this much, I must report HIM.

But for right now, I’m thankful. I’m getting what I needed. I will soon be home. Home safe away from HIM.

My parents are here. They are signing the discharge and financial papers.

Tomorrow is another day.

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Thank you for reading A Therapy Diary’s first entry story.

Here are some talented writers.

If you prefer not to be tagged, please let me know. If you want to be added to the below list, please give me a 👍.

Randy Pulley, Karen Schwartz, Bruce Coulter,
Brian Dickens Barrabee, John Hansen, Nancy Oglesby



Deborah Joyce Goodwin (Red:The-Lady In Blue)
Read or Die!

Retired but active in some of the most unpredictable moments among many unexpected people. Ready to write about yesterdays and todays with hopes for tomorrows.