Talk is Cheap

Let your willingness to do be greater than your willingness to talk

Read or Die!
3 min readMay 22, 2024


picture from pexels

The easiest thing to do aside sleeping or eating is talking.

I visited an old town I used to live in and there was an old friend I haven’t seen in 2 years. Before I moved out of town, we would sit and talk about the future. We talked about what it feels like to be successful, to raise good family and take good care of them.

Since I would be around for one weekend, I decided to stop and say hi to my friend. The moment I got into his house, the first thing I noticed was the old curtain he got from his ex, the center table was still the same, the cracks from the floor tiles were now more than they used to be, the sofa had even gotten worse, nothing had changed.

We got talking and he reminded me of his plans as usual, but then I asked myself, what went wrong? I tried to contain my worries until I couldn’t anymore so I asked, what went wrong?

He went all about his fears, failures, and worries but never talked about anything close to a solution he provided. He was going to play more of his fantasies to me when I cut the conversation and said Talk is cheap.

Talking is a voluntary action that is triggered by the mind. The mind conceals an idea, forms a perspective off that idea and then spills it out through the mouth.

The word talk is cheap is a common phrase amongst many people and I for one believes it is true. When your words does not match your actions then that talk is cheap.

We have people who talk on the surface level without thinking (no substance) and then we have the concealers/deep thinkers (people who are always very careful with their words). What differentiates these two sets of people is how they act not how they talk actually.

Show me an upright man and I’ll show you a person who keeps to his words, I’ll show you a man whose thoughts match his actions, I will show you a man who will do anything to defend all he says with a matching effort, I will show you a man who has fallen severally but is not demotivated to try again.

Backing up your words with actions makes you more authentic and reliable but if you struggle with keeping to your words, it could be one of two things

1. You talk before realizing the gravity of the commitment involved in keeping your words

2. You’re okay being an average person

Everyone can go all about talking and spilling, yeah talk is cheap, but what stamps your name wherever you go, in whatever you’re doing or wherever you may find yourself is what people see you do or what you display as the output of your efforts.

So now ask yourself, am I a cheap talker? Or am I a doer?..I bet you know the answer to that already. Fix yourself up my friend.



Read or Die!

Do something different to get better everyday - Self-Help Enthusiast - Nature Lover