The 7 Techniques I Use to Build Trust Quickly (After 1,000+ Interviews)

These are techniques anyone can master

Joshua Mason
Read or Die!


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As I turned off my vehicle, I noticed my hands were shaking.

Up until that moment, I hadn’t been nervous. Now, along with the trembling hands, I felt like I’d be sick. In a few minutes, I’d sit for an interview with a police lieutenant, a sergeant, and a patrol officer.

I hadn’t committed a crime.

On the contrary, I was 21 years old and being interviewed for a position as a state trooper. I’d been in the hiring process for what felt like an eternity, and I knew this interview would make or break me.

After waiting in the lobby for ten minutes, they led me into an empty conference room. I sat on one side of a long, empty table, and they sat on the other. They didn’t smile, and all three stared at me without much expression while I spoke.

After each answer, they looked disgusted.

It was ugly. I wasn’t expecting a warm welcome, but I also wasn’t expecting to feel like the kid sitting in the principal’s office who’d just pulled the fire alarm. Notably, none of them were rude to me. All of that discomfort came from body language and a lack…



Joshua Mason
Read or Die!

Former Detective ❖ Medium Top Writer ❖ Writing on change, self-improvement, and leadership ❖