The Angels That Touched My Life

And helped me get through the most challenging times

Sandy Maximus
Read or Die!


A palm of a hand and the sun
Photo by Aamir Suhail on Unsplash

I am not a religious person. Although I grew up in a Hindu household, my formative years were in a Catholic school. I am familiar with the concept of angels in both religions.

Looking back at my experiences, although I didn’t realize their effect when they were with me, I now know the people who were sent to be my angels.


It was the year 2004. Pregnant with my first child while still trying to finish my doctoral program, my husband and I moved into our starter home—a 2000-square-foot single-family home at the beginning of a small community.

After a few attempts at mowing the lawn, my husband realized he was not cut out for work around the house, and his energies were better spent building his career. I defaulted to maintaining the home and garden.

That’s when a friend of mine introduced me to Al. He was an older gentleman who charged by the hour and helped people with their gardens. Al lived 40 minutes away from me but was willing to come by to help on a Saturday.

What started as a helper in the garden slowly expanded to helping me with other tasks around the house. He became a regular when I was pregnant with my second child and my husband moved…



Sandy Maximus
Read or Die!

An academic, a mother, and a wanna-be writer in (pre) cancer treatment with interests from travel to tennis, personal stories, and life lessons.