The Artist and the Curse of the Invisibility Cloak

Shed the shame of being laughed at and share your art.

Olga Panagiotopoulou
Read or Die!
2 min readMay 20, 2024


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As kids, we used to wish for an invisibility cloak while watching Harry Potter, imagining all the things we could do if no one noticed us. However, as artists, carrying this cloak for years feels more like a curse than an adventure.

Starting as creators, we begin in obscurity, working hard to gain recognition.

Obscurity at the beginning might seem both a curse and a blessing. It allows us the freedom to make mistakes and discover our unique style and voice, largely free from public scrutiny.

But we don’t have to be invisible to do so. We just need to understand where we are on our journey.

To improve, we must perform in front of an audience every day and take feedback.

This is how we find what works for us, what fits us, and what we enjoy doing. Constant practice and showing up are essential for evolution.

Being invisible is never a good idea; it’s your mind trying to keep you in your comfort zone.

“Don’t share your art until you find your voice and style, be perfect and then you can show up.”


This mindset is a trap that leads to failure. Perfectionism is the artist’s biggest enemy. You will never feel ready, but do it anyway. Write, draw, create, and share from the very beginning. Try to shed the invisibility cloak once and for all.

Show your art, take feedback, keep creating, and you will eventually find your audience.

People will see you, remember you, and continue to engage with your work. Build a corpus of your work and fight the curse of obscurity until you are known, until people see you and read you. And then, keep doing this until you die.

The creative journey is long, but it’s worth it.

If you take only one lesson for your career as an artist, let it be this: No matter how good your art is, you will never turn it into your living if you stay hidden.

Shed the shame of being laughed at and share your art. Success is a one-way road; you can’t be an artist and not share your work at the same time.

Be vulnerable, be truthful, and be visible!

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