The Crossroad Between Heaven & Hell

A place where we meet family and friends before our next journey begins

Brenda Arledge
Read or Die!


Photo created by Author at MidJouney AI

The entrance to heaven and hell
cross the same intersection,
at the end of the rainbow.

A place where leprechauns guard the doors,
keeping our one-way ticket to paradise
safely tucked away inside a pot of gold,
or stand ready to trick us
with evil ways for eternity.

We hold a single key
to unlock our destiny,
to either walk through a path of light
hearing angels sing,
or linger in the darkness
where no shadows live.

Yet, for a few brief moments
we behold the magic of this wonderful crossroad,
as we linger with family and friends
before our next journey begins.


This write was written back in the February of 2023 for an annual contest held by The National Federation of State Poetry Societies.
It’s definitely a different type of idea which…



Brenda Arledge
Read or Die!

My passion is poetry. My muse is sparked by emotion & observation. The world is a giant canvas. It waits on us to paint the detail with our words. (HI writer)