The Dark Clouds in Your Mind Are Your Best Friend

Listen to them and you’ll be wiser

Gabriella H.
Read or Die!


Author’s image created with DALL-E

When I’m feeling a bit under the weather (emotionally speaking), I liken my mental state to a sky that’s packed with clouds.

Not just any clouds, though — these are the moodiest, most brooding clouds you’ve ever seen. It’s like my brain decided to host a goth concert. Original concept, huh?

My family has this uncanny ability to gauge the thickness of my cerebral cloud cover based on my chattiness level. The quieter I am, the more likely it is that a storm’s a-brewin’.

Nietzsche: The Emo Rockstar of Philosophy

So, there I was, diving into Nietzsche’s “Thus Spoke Zarathustra,” when I stumbled upon my cloud analogy.

Only, Nietzsche had already rocked that metaphor with way more flair. It was as if my mind exploded into a fireworks display of tiny existential crises.

All this time, I thought my mental storm clouds were a bad omen.

But Nietzsche? He spins it like this:

“My wisdom has long gathered like a cloud.

It is becoming stiller and darker.”



Gabriella H.
Read or Die!

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.