The Death Of Church: Has Social Media Defeated God?
Since the turn of the century, church pews have been emptying at record rates, with millions swapping the pulpit and prayer books for their social media platforms. But what happens to society when the internet wields the power to defeat God?
Remember the 1950’s, when God was alive and well?
Well, I don’t remember it personally because I wasn’t around back then — not many of us were — but if legend and statistics can be believed, I hear it was somewhat of a utopian period here on planet Earth, apparently.
In the Western world at least — in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia and throughout most of Europe — most people followed a regular weekly routine in the 1950's. On weekdays, husbands headed off to work each morning, leaving wives at home to care for a brood of children. Then on weekends families spent time together, attending the local church on Sunday where the rest of the community would gather to be told by a clergyman how to live and how to think and how to feel and how to interact with one another.
Back in the 1950’s, over 90% of Americans identified as Christian and attended church on Sundays, and…