The Life-Changing Secret Nobody Tells You

Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2024

The sooner you learn this, the easier your life will feel.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

There is a beautiful thing that happens when you actually start to trust God.

You stop forcing anything.

Now that is a good energy to be in.

“Oh, they cancelled?” You weren’t meant to go there.

“Oh, you didn’t get that job?” You are going to get a better job. (Insha'Allah)

“Oh, that person didn’t want to be with you?” That’s because there is something so much better out there for you.

“Oh, you don't fit in with them?” Those are not your people.

“Oh, they didn’t call you back?” You are not meant to hear from them.

Stop worrying about it.

When you start to trust, you start living your life, and you stop trying to force things — Everything naturally falls into place.

I can’t tell you how many times I really wanted something to happen, and it actually didn’t end up happening, but I ended up with something so much better.

That’s going to happen to you too.

So, sit in your energy of trust. You’re okay.

Just trust the timing of your life.

Stop playing tug-of-war with the universe.

It’s exhausting!

Release the rope, and watch opportunities unfold organically.

It’s like planting a seed — you don’t force the flower to bloom, you just nurture it and trust the process.

Here’s the real beauty:

When you trust, you open yourself up to amazing surprises.

It’s like the universe whispers, “Hey, I have got something even better in store for you, but you gotta chill and let it happen.”

There will be moments of doubt, that’s perfectly normal.

However, with each leap of faith, each time you surrender a worry:

It becomes a little easier to breathe, a little easier to see the beauty of the unfolding plan.

So, take a deep breath, beautiful soul.

You are exactly where you’re supposed to be.

Trust the timing of your life. It’s unfolding perfectly, even when it doesn’t feel like it.



Read or Die!

Quiet heart with a writer's soul. Weaving real-life experiences into words, finding connection through listening, reading, and writing.