The Person You Feel You’ve Known Forever

Never lose faith in love. It’s not love’s fault, it’s the people who are. People who have long forgotten the essence of this feeling and who don’t know its depth.

Read or Die!
2 min readJun 4, 2024


Photo by Julia Caesar on Unsplash

Don’t worry. Your person will find you, even if it takes crossing cities, seas, or years. Even if you stumble over the world, regrets, expectations, yourselves, or each other. You will meet and hold each other’s hand, never to lose one another again.

Your person may not be perfect, but they will understand you with a single glance, without needing many explanations, and that will be enough. Silence will become more beautiful and profound.

Your person won’t just want you at night in bed. They will want you by their side always, regardless of mood. They will come to understand that the moments when you sit quietly in the living room, car, or park, having open and soulful conversations, are what fuel your relationship.

Photo by Travis Grossen on Unsplash

Your person will always choose you, even if they have the opportunity to start over somewhere else with someone else. They will come back, take your hand, and start again, together, somewhere else.

Your person will not betray you, even if they have the chance, even if dozens and dozens of skirts are lifted or dropped before their eyes. They won’t do it because they won’t feel the need. Because they chose you, and they will certainly respect their choice.

Your person will take responsibility for their feelings, words, and actions. When they sense a problem, they will sit down and talk to you. And you will defuse it, you will solve it.

Your person will admit when they are wrong. They will apologize and, most importantly, they will learn some things from those situations.

