The Reasons Nobody Reads Your Writing

Revealing my thoughts

Daniel T.
Read or Die!


Photo by Nicholas Barbaros on Unsplash

Reading is tiring.

It’s tiring like all the other activities a human can do in his day.

The only “restoring” activity is sleeping.

That means when you make it hard for your reader to read. He just won’t read…

That hard truth you should understand.

But what are the factors that make you lose your readers?

Lack of Clarity

Your writing is a message to your readers. It Should be as clear as possible. Writing 10 ideas in one story is not a good strategy to establish…

Imagine two cups one with muddy water and the other with clear water.

We all know you will choose the clear one.

Same with writing, if your reader is lost :

How do you want him to keep reading you?

Here are some tips :

  • Answer Your title
  • One Idea per story
  • Give value

Ignoring Your Metrics

Metrics are something to check. Not obsessively every hour but check them once a week.

