The Selfish Revolution — Why Putting Yourself First is Essential

Redefining Selfishness

Gabriella H.
Read or Die!


Author’s image created with DALL-E

“Sharing is caring” is the official motto we pick up in the sandbox.

The minute you clutch your toys closer and eye your sandbox buddy with suspicion, you’ve practically branded yourself the playground pariah.

Welcome to the world where not sharing your toys earns you the scarlet letter ‘S’ for Selfish.

Selfishness = Villain

From the get-go, we’re taught to view ‘selfish’ as the ultimate villain badge, reserved for those cartoon baddies twirling their mustaches.

Want to be the hero of the story? Better start giving away your stuff and your time like you’re running a clearance sale.

Early on, it’s drummed into us: life’s not about you; it’s about everyone else (and their dog).

The Problem with Learning the Selfless Lesson

The problem is that we might’ve learned the selfless lesson too well. So much so that we veer to the other extreme of self-erasure.

Suddenly, we’re not the main character but the supporting act in everyone else’s drama.



Gabriella H.
Read or Die!

I’m always curious, always looking for something new to learn, using life as a learning canvas.