This Might Be Your Most Painful Experience If You Want To Be Successful

Kyle Netterville
Read or Die!
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2024


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I can tell you something:

If you want to be successful, you better be ready to throw everything away.

That’s the mindset of someone who wants to be successful.

They don’t care about winning or losing, as long as it gets them closer.

However, one of the most painful experiences that you and any other person are yet to face is:


Trust me when I say this:

It is not easy.

If you stick to what you are committed to achieving in the future, then you will gain tremendous results.

So that means don’t give up, on yourself.

Just because someone gives up on you, are you going to give up on yourself? Do the hard work especially when you don’t feel like it.

I Appreciate Your Time Today

Photo by Jesse Collins on Unsplash



Kyle Netterville
Read or Die!

Writer/Programmer/Freelancer. I love to learn, talk about life, and help others through my own experience! My Substack: