This is What My Best Story Taught Me ($190+ From One Post)

Daniel T.
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2024


Photo by Thomas Franke on Unsplash

I’ve been writing on Medium for almost 2 months. Since I started I have written about 60 stories.

One of them earned me $194. Which is an enormous amount of money for 1 story.

Here are some stats :

Screenshot From Author

I wrote it in late January but the post started to perform well in February.

What did I learn from My best post?

The title does 50% of the work :

Even if it can sound scary. That’s like launching a product. You have 10% of work and 90% of marketing.

With stories — same thing.

The title is here to attract and intrigue your readers.

If you have a bad title, you’ll never get your readers to start reading your stories.

You can have the best story in the world if the reader isn’t attracted by the title he’ll never click…

Master it.

Write your thoughts :

Always write about what you think.

