To Make Money On Medium You Need To Block Your Audience

Some of your readers are costing you money!

Read or Die!


An angry sign showing the author’s frustration on the need to block audiance members to maximise your money on Medium.
Photo by Andre Hunter —

All followers are great right?

You need them to get that sweet follower bonus when they read your story.

Heck, you need someone to view your story before you make any money at all.

But what if I told you that some people are actively harming your earnings, costing you 100s of $$$.

This happened to me, and it’s why I’ve started blocking followers that don’t read my story for 30 seconds.

The Clap and Run

There’s a bunch of people on medium that click on your story, give it a clap and then quickly make a dash to the exit.

Some of them even clap multiple times for different articles.

Sounds great right? Gotta get collect those engagement points!


These people are actively damaging your read ratio offsetting money from engagement points. Look at the stats for my story below.



Read or Die!

Hello, I'm Jimmy, living with my lovely wife, sharing witty articles about our wheelchair adventures! Join the laughter on my blog!