Image from Taringa

We are spiritual beings going through an earthly experience. What for?

Rodrigo Peralta
Read or Die!
6 min readMar 13, 2024


Wayne Dyer’s words are a powerful reminder that we have the power to shape our own reality. It’s essential to take a step back and reflect on our lives and whether we live how we want to. In times of uncertainty and chaos, losing sight of what’s essential is easy. That’s why we need to stay grounded, focus on what we can control, and find ways to bring order to our lives. Only then can we truly live our best lives and positively impact the world around us.

It’s crucial to remember that everything in life is temporary, and we all have unique perspectives on the events around us. It’s not about what happens to us but how we react to them. Not everyone will see things the same way, and not everyone will be affected the same way, even if they live together. What truly matters is how we choose to respond to what happens. The events are neutral, and it’s up to us to decide whether we want to learn from negative experiences and grow from them or let them bring us down. Our perspective and how we approach life’s challenges make all the difference.

It’s interesting to contemplate who we indeed are. Are we defined by our professions, such as chauffeur, lawyer, gardener, seller, or housewife? Perhaps not. Instead, we might consider ourselves beings of light, experiencing life in a human form. We aim to rise above negative emotions and cultivate positive ones like peace, hope, joy, compassion, and love.

It’s essential to recognize that we are all in a constant state of learning and growth, and it’s okay to make mistakes along the way. We must have compassion for ourselves and acknowledge that we are all just trying to navigate this world as best we can. As spiritual beings, it can be challenging to adapt to the physical world and the emotions that come with it. However, we must be grateful for our minds and bodies, even when they don’t always feel like allies. It’s all part of the journey towards enlightenment and self-discovery.

As we go through life, we often lose sight of our true purpose and origin. Nowadays, we all talk about the physical body and the challenges we face. But there’s so much more to us than that. Taking care of our bodies while we’re here is essential, but we should also remember that our experience on Earth is just one small part of our journey. More and more people are starting to explore the path of self-discovery and connect with their true selves. Ultimately, when we pass on from this world, our bodies will remain here, but the energy and love that make us who we are will continue to evolve and expand to new levels of existence.

“We are not just our physical bodies or individual identities. As beings of light, we are here to experience life in a human form and to rise above negative emotions towards a higher state of being. This journey starts with cultivating emotions such as peace, hope, joy, compassion, and love. “

It’s essential to have compassion for ourselves and acknowledge our mistakes, as we’re all still learning how to navigate this human experience. We are beings of light and love, but living in a physical body with a complex mind that generates countless emotions can be challenging. We must learn to appreciate and take care of our bodies while we’re here on Earth, as they are the vessels that allow us to learn and grow. It’s crucial to remember that our minds control our bodies, and negative emotions can harm our health. Therefore, we should think positively, refrain from judging or condemning others, and avoid accumulating negative emotions like resentment, anger, and guilt. By doing so, we can maintain a healthy mind and body and continue to evolve and grow as beings of love and energy.

If you feel that you must change your life, that you cannot find peace, and you decide that you want to evolve, That your actions, thoughts, and words are inspired by love, you must leave your personality in the background because it has not turned out to be who you are (I mean, if this is the conclusion you have reached).

It is a decision to spiritualize this human experience once and for all instead of trying to further humanize a human experience, which brings us the emotions that we have come to transcend to enhance the spiritual being.

We must make a commitment. Our personality opposes us developing and enhancing our spiritual part because it loses prominence. So, our personality continually boycotts the inner work. Our Ego needs to feed on victimhood, conflict, guilt, fear, and the feeling of separation. Victimhood helps us not to mature; it anchors us in reliving the situation and showing others what we have experienced. What matters to others? The important thing is, What do you do with what you have experienced? Can you use it to help others, or will you stay mired in your experience?

As? Each person has a different path. If you see that you do not live in peace and realize that you want to change, then the tools will come to your mind. Each person will resonate with a different philosophy. They say that the teacher always arrives when the student is ready.

It’s essential to recognize the signs of being without peace, such as constantly feeling that things are not right outside of yourself or being overly aware of your loved ones and strangers. However, when you are at peace, you can develop and share your experiences and knowledge with others. It’s always worth analyzing whether your degree of happiness depends on external factors. For instance, when dealing with a loss, it’s essential to approach it from a place of peace, understanding, acceptance, and trust in the process we are all experiencing. This is much different than approaching it from a place of victimhood, non-acceptance, struggle, and reaction. You will grow if you can learn from the negative experience and approach it from a place of peace. If not, you may find yourself repeating the same lesson until you do learn from it.

Suppose we realize that we always make the same mistakes, stumble over the same stone, and hurt precisely the people we most love (unfortunately, this is the most common). If we see all this, we have already advanced halfway to self-knowledge and, therefore, healing. When we reach this point, and unfortunately, most of the time, it is due to suffering, we stop blaming others or external factors and recognize that everything is caused by ourselves; the resources arrive somehow.

What we are experiencing is the effect of an unconscious cause. If we take responsibility for finding and dissolving the cause, the effect changes, and our life experience changes. But we should not try to find and solve only the specific cause of what worries us:

This should be the meaning of our lives. We should observe everything we experience, understand that it is an effect, and change it little by little to prevent a degree of discomfort from turning into suffering at any moment. We can receive warnings to change our mental patterns, but it is not necessary to take them to a level of suffering.

Here, we are committed to living a mindful and intentional lifestyle. By observing the roles and feelings you attract into your life, you can better understand yourself and the world around you. It’s essential to explore the subconscious causes of these patterns to make positive changes and create a more harmonious and peaceful life. You can positively shape your future by making conscious decisions about how you want to live. This is a powerful way to approach life and can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Tell me if any or all of this resonates with you. Tell me if you think it’s time to see your life from a different angle. If so, you are already halfway there…

