We Could All Use an Alien Parasite

An alien species takes over the world making man better than he could ever hope to be

Sweet Honeylu
Read or Die!


Screenshot by author from Teaser Trailer

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The ascent of man

You ever watch or listen to a group of people, and you think to yourself, “These people sure could use a microchip for their brain”? Yeah, me too. I’m to the point where I would see an alien invasion as a rescue mission. We’ve become a people who are hopelessly and endlessly hoisted on our own petards. The cycle seems to be endless.

I’m watching this movie that came out in 2013 and I kind of knew about it and aware that it was on multiple streaming platforms. It was always on the periphery, but I would constantly put it off. I would “get to it eventually” if I had nothing else to watch but wasn’t ready to commit two hours of my life to it.

Now that I’ve seen it, I’m oh so glad I waited. It seems to be much more relevant here in 2023 than it did back then. I don’t think I would have been able to appreciate it.

Earth is improved

Let’s set up the scene.

The earth is at peace.

There is no hunger.

There is no violence.

The environment is healed.

Honesty, curtesy, and kindness are practiced by all.

Our world has never been more perfect. -Narrator

Sounds good so far.

Only it is no longer our world. We’ve been invaded by an alien race. They occupy almost all human bodies on the planet.

See, now that makes sense. It would literally take bodily possession of an outside force to get the human race on track for such a world and the narrator says it like that would be a bad thing. Ominous music and tone, oooo spooky. An alien race called “The Soul” behaving like a parasite and controls human emotions and actions making them more empathetic. A benevolent parasite, now there’s a concept. They don’t lie to each other and trust each other completely. This parasitic alien race controls the human bodies which are called “Seekers” and they are being used to seek after (get it?) non infected humans to get them under control. Pockets of humans hide out in renegade bands scrounging for food and weapons like Wolverine mercenaries like in the movie, Red Dawn.

Melanie’s upgrade

The first scene shows main character Melanie Strider being cornered by a group of Seekers all dressed in all white who beg her not to run or hurt herself. Rather than be captured alive, she runs and flings herself through a glass window and falls five stories down where she lands on her side her head smacking into the pavement below.

I know what you’re thinking.

She’s deader than a door nail, but noooo. She can’t die because let’s face it, she’s the hero and the main character. As a matter of fact, she doesn’t get so much as a broken bone or skull fracture outside of multiple cuts on her face and arms. The Seekers are amazed at how well she handled the fall and her tenacity to live.

This alien race has developed an instant healing technology for any ailment possible. They inject her with this aerosol misty stream that instantly heals and closes her lacerations on her face and arms. They make a small incision at the base of her neck and a glowing anemone like creature is inserted into the cut where it attaches to the stem of the spinal cord and the base of the brain.

Screenshot by author from Liz tells Frank blog

Once it attaches, and full control is established, the outer rim of the pupal takes on an ethereal bluish white glow. The alien’s name is Wanderer because she/he/it….wanders?

The hunt for humans

Anyway, after the procedure, Wanderer who is now in control of Melanie, is pumped for information on any of the renegade survivors she may have been living with and their locations. Turns out that she, her little brother Jake and another boy had been living in the middle of nowhere in a cozy cabin far from the bustling town of Seekers.

Screenshot by author from Shutterstock

All the while, the Seekers are pumping Wanderer to access Melanie’s memories for clues, Melanie is having a schizophrenic multiple personality dialogue with…. herself and the alien… that sounds exactly like herself. I know. Pretty confusing. Melanie argues and screams at Wanderer. Wanderer is unnervingly and creepily calm and tries to reason with Melanie by assuring her that it’s better for the human race if they would just submit to Soul rule.

Eventually, through intense internal dialogue, Melanie convinces Wanderer to escape her interrogation room and flee into the desert to look for her Uncle who has his own crew living in underground caves under plateaus and rocky terrain.

I won’t spoil the entire movie for you, but the more I kept watching, the more I kept seeing the invasion of the alien race as beneficial for the entire planet.

I mean, c’mon.

  • No wars
  • World peace
  • Green energy
  • No pollution
  • No starvation

Thank fuck for that.

It would be worth being taken over by the last two points alone. The writers tried so hard to make the aliens the bad guys but I couldn’t bring myself to see it that way.

I think it would take this kind of alien invasion to save the human race from ourselves.

Where were these aliens when we needed them during the Trump administration, goddamnit?!?

Thank you for reading🌺

Watch The Host on Pluto TV.

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Sweet Honeylu
Read or Die!

I love writing stories and scathing commentary on daily events. Snark is my love language. Will snark for food.