What 99% Of Writers Get Wrong About Content Creation

Read and join the top 1%.

Idris Jimoh 🍀
Read or Die!
4 min readApr 12, 2024


A frustrated man staring at his computer screen.
Image from Vecteezy

Staring at that blank page can make us feel like we're bad writers — especially when the words don't come out.

It's in our heads but putting it down in a way that is both entertaining and valuable can make our brains hurt.

But, before you scrap that draft, let me tell you some common mistakes that may be preventing you from cranking out your best work.

#1 You Are Constantly Waiting For Inspiration

You are a creative person, I get it — but if your creativity relies on inspiration alone, you'll go broke.

Successful writers don't wait for inspiration or motivation. They write first and get inspired and motivated later. You can't be a good writer if you don't put in the work — especially when you don't feel like it.

You'll be surprised how often those forced writing sessions turn into gold. Sometimes, the content you produce when forced becomes your best work.

#2 Getting Too Attached To Perfection

Have you Ever heard of analysis paralysis? trust me, you don't want that.

When you're analytically paralyzed, you end up not making any content or publishing the ones you've already written because they are not "ready". Good writers know when a piece is publishable—it doesn't have to be perfect to be useful to your readers.

Successful writers also understand that their first draft will look like shit. It's part of the process.

So they get it out quickly so they can refine it later. Editing is king.

#3 Aiming For Quantity Over Quality

I gotta admit, I'm guilty of this one too sometimes.

Quantity is good, I won't deny that — but it shouldn't be at the expense of quality. I try to make sure most of my writing makes me proud to be the writer who wrote it.

You should always focus on writing clear and engaging pieces of content.

Don't just write because you are trying to meet a daily quota. Meet the daily quota because you are trying to write (Don't overthink it).

#4 Underestimating How Important Editing Is

Editing your piece is where all the magic happens. It is the single facet of writing that turns your piece from the ugly duckling into the beautiful swan it was meant to be.

Some parts of your text can be strengthened, you can eliminate all the typos and grammar errors, and you can cut out unnecessary parts.

Every sentence that adds little to no value should be ruthlessly cut out.

#5 Running Away Or Afraid Of Feedback

Not all feedback is constructive I'm well aware.

Some people have bad days and want to take it out on you. That's not the type of feedback I'm talking about here.

I'm talking about constructive feedback. I like to believe that the majority of people have no ill intentions toward you and just want you to be better. These people's feedback can become a powerful tool.

Don't be afraid to share your piece with people you know will positively critique your work. Don't ask your mom though — she'll probably lie to ya.

#6 Writing In A Vacuum

We are social creatures and I strongly believe everything we do, we should never do it alone.

There are communities out there that will support you on your journey as you support them on theirs.

Join writing groups, make friends with fellow writers, and contribute to the community.

If you're part of a good community, it will be really difficult to fail.

#7 Ignoring Marketing

Oh trust me, I hate the term "marketing". I have gone through the trouble of writing my piece — I fully expect the algorithm to show my stuff to my loyal readers.

Only that's not how the real world of content creation works.

Part of your writing journey is learning how to get people to see your work. Your writing deserves nothing less. Don't just publish your work and hope it gets eyeballs—make sure it does.

#8 Focusing On the Wrong Things

It's easy to see another writer more successful than you and compare ourselves with them.

It's also easy to see less successful writers and bloat our egos because we think we're better than them. BAD!

Don't focus on looking at somebody else's lane while running — just focus on moving as fast as you can and you might end up getting first place.

Develop your own voice and writing style. Write only about things you're passionate about. This is what makes you stand out from the hot steamy mess of copycat writers.

#9 Giving Up Too Soon

I've tried to give up many times already and this is only my second month in.

Each time I get close to throwing down the towel, I remember that writing is not a destination, it's a journey. One armed to the teeth with obstacles, pain, joy, money, and moments of extreme self-doubt.

Never stop writing. If you truly believe yourself a good writer, don't quit. The more you write, the better you'll become.

You never know, your next piece might just be the one to break you out of the mold.

People don't come into this world as successful writers. Successful writers hammer day in and day out on their craft.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can then focus all your strength on improving your craft and achieving your goals. Now, go write your next ugly draft waiting to become a beautiful piece.



Idris Jimoh 🍀
Read or Die!

Hi there! I write here to express my thoughts and reasons. I hope you find them useful and Insightful!